I recently went on a week-long trip to a place called the Black River, located in Central Sweden. If you've been following me for a while, you might remember that I already visited this place last year and even used recordings I made there in the Wetland Atmosphere library. The trip was organized by Stefan Taylor, as was the case the last time I went there.
When I went there in May last year, Spring was in full force and all the wildlife was loud. The days weren't too short but not too long either, and the bitey insects still had to emerge from their lairs. This time around, it was proper Summer, the birds were surprisingly quiet (with a few exceptions) and the insects were both beautiful (butterflies) and vicious (horseflies, midges, mozzies). Also, the sun set after 11pm and rose around 3am, with enough light to not need a torch even at midnight.

All this made for a very different yet still extremely interesting soundscape. I spent many nights outside, listening, hiking and recording. During the day it was generally too windy to record anything, so we did more hiking and a whole lot of photography. I got to test my new EM-1 camera, which I also used for video. I will upload more video content soon, but until then I still have to go through my recordings before I leave for Norway next week, and afterwards Africa.

It was a very enjoyable week spent in excellent company and in brilliant conditions for sound recording. Watch this space for a video update sometime in the next month or so.