Wild Rain is a collection of rain soundscapes recorded in 4 rainforests across 3 continents: the Amazon rainforest, the Borneo rainforest, the Congo basin rainforest and the Ethiopian cloud forest. The library features rain falling on vegetation and forest floor, from sparse drops to moderate and heavy rain. Several recordings of rolling thunder are also included. All recordings also include the sound of the forest and wildlife to varying degrees. Cicadas, frogs, birds and even an elephant can be heard in the background. Lastly, Wild Rain comes with extensive metadata and is UCS compliant.
The focus of this collection is clarity and detail. Rain was captured in remote parts of the jungle by leaving the recording rigs out for days at a time. The equipment was protected from direct rainfall by improvised platforms made of locally available materials such as twigs, leaves and other vegetation. As a result the soundscapes are free from the plopping sounds that raindrops would make when hitting the blimps.
This library was recorded over 2 years and 5 expeditions to tropical rainforests. It took a lot of effort and dedication to access these pristine environments. High humidity, heat, cold and mud were part of everyday work. Being swarmed on by insects, bitten by leeches, chased by an orangutan up a hill and charged at by a huge silverback gorilla were the highlights of these expeditions.
Download the surround demo here.
Download file list here.
At a glance:
69 STEREO and 69 SURROUND .wav files
recorded and presented as 24 bit/96 kHz, stereo and surround (5.0) files (channel order: L - R - C - LFE - Ls - Rs)
more than 8 hours and 43 minutes of content
17/67 GB uncompressed size
recorded on Sound Devices 633 with Sennheiser Double Mid-Side MKH30/8040 microphones
Library graphics: