Arabian Desert is a collection of stereo and quad soundscapes recorded on the Arabian Peninsula in the Empty Quarter, the largest expanse of sand dunes on Earth. The recordings range from soft to medium and gusty/blustery wind, with variations including sand spray, vegetation movement and insects.
This collection of recordings will help portray the vast expanse of the Empty Quarter. Many of these soundscapes are not much more than soft wind. There’s also gusty and blustery wind, recorded with microphones at the top of dunes and underneath the sand surface. Wildlife is incredibly sparse in the Empty Quarter and is represented in this library by buzzing flies and other insects.
This library was recorded in several locations on the tri-border between Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman in the Arabian Peninsula. Reaching this part of the world was no easy task, as you can see in the second part of the teaser video. The expedition went well and was a success, adventures notwithstanding.
Download file list here.
At a glance:
67 STEREO and QUAD .wav files
recorded and presented as 24 bit/96 kHz
around 7 hours of content
13/40 GB uncompressed size
recorded on Sound Devices Mixpre 6ii and Zoom F6 with Sennheiser MKH8020, 8040 and 8070 plus Schoeps MK2 and MK4 microphones
Library graphics: