Field recording videos on Youtube
Something has been bugging me for a very long time, probably ever since I started doing long-form recording. I go to these awesome places and make these beautiful recordings, and some of them end up in my libraries if they're lucky. Others end up in the projects I work on, and a very few short ones end up on my Soundcloud account. This leaves out a hell of a lot of content though, and that's a real pity. What are sounds recorded for, if not to be listened to (and edited, mangled, designed etc)?
I was recently in this mindset while also thinking about video editing. Videography has always seemed interesting to me but I never managed to find the time to take it more seriously. For a while, I used my smartphone and GoPro to document my field recording trips and to shoot video for library trailers, but it was mostly the shaky handheld type.
However, video and long form recording seem to work well, and where better to upload these than Youtube! I had a bunch of hour long recordings ready, so I quickly learned how to use Adobe After Effects and bam! 6 hours of content ready to upload to my Youtube account.
My foray into video does not stop there though. About a month ago, while discussing photo/videography with my friend Richard on the Islay trip, I decided to dedicate more resources and time to it. I ordered a new camera even before I left the island, an Olympus EM1 MK2 with great video capabilities and excellent weather sealing (since I keep finding myself in temperature and humidity extremes).
This will enable me to shoot vlog-type handheld videos without the downside of shaky footage as it features excellent in-camera image stabilization. I will be documenting my trips much more thoroughly, starting with next week's Sweden one. I also want to do product reviews and general field recording advice videos. I fell like I have a lot to share and text-only updates have become a little dull.
If you want to be kept abreast of these new video developments, make sure you subscribe to my channel and like/share whichever videos you prefer. It will really help me get this off the ground. Click here to check out my Youtube videos.